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30 min - 1 hour

Operation Period



3 Days



Hospital Stay

Thin tape 3 days

Dressing Period





F A C E L I F T 

 E N D O S C O P I C  F A C E  L I F T

We, Plastic surgeons, are trying to improve the existing surgical techniques with the increase in the interest in aesthetic surgeries and the advancement of technology. How could it be better? How could it be more traceless? How can it be younger? Questions are constantly being asked and we are not content with old methods, we always aim for the better. Sometimes we update the old methods, sometimes we blend the old with the new.

The endoscope device has been used in general surgery, obstetrics and orthopedics for years. Designed as a flexible tube, this device has an objective lens and camera at the end. This camera is directional, illuminated and transfers images clearly to the computer it is connected to. In this way, the entire area is clearly dominated without making large incisions.

In endoscopic facelift, 5 incisions of 1 cm are made through the scalp. With the endoscopic camera and special surgical instruments designed for endoscopic surgery, the sagging tissues in the deep and bloodless plane are released. The release of the tissues in the deep plane ensures that the result of the operation is more natural. The tissues and structures in the deep plane are placed in their new places with fine workmanship. Personalized planning is made, so you will become younger without becoming ordinary and you will have more attractive facial features. With this operation, a more youthful and dynamic appearance is achieved by intervening on the forehead, eyebrows, temples, eye corners (almond eye) and mid-face.

Endoscopic facelift surgery:

  • Endoscopic forehead lift,

  • endoscopic eyebrow lift,

  • endoscopic temporal lift,

  • endoscopic almond eye,


It is the sum of endoscopic face shaping surgeries. These surgeries are applied in combination, if necessary.

M I N I  F A C E  L I F T



1-2 Hours

Operation Period



10 days


2 nights

Hospital Stay

7 days

Dressing Period

2-3 Weeks


Face lift operations are mostly preferred by middle-aged patients who want more permanent results.

Mini facelift is an operation that helps to remove small sagging in the middle lower face, the small incision is hidden behind the ear and the patients recover in a shorter time.

The purpose of this operation is not only to stretch the skin. At the same time, the soft tissues and connective tissues under the skin are moved up, their new places are fixed by suturing.

Since a certain amount of skin can be stretched on the skin, the natural expression of the patient is not impaired. With this operation, the patient's subcutaneous form and skin tension change.

  • Operation Process
    On the morning of the operation, you will settle into your pre-allocated room and rest. At this time, your final preparations for the operation are carried out. Your doctor and his assistant will visit you before the operation. With the administration of general anesthesia for your operation, your doctor begins to shape your nose for you. There are differences and common points in the progress of each technique. At the end of the operation, your nose is photographed and thin silicone pads are placed, taping is done, a protective splint is placed and you are slowly awakened. In addition, you wake up comfortably with local anesthesia applications before you wake up, you do not feel any pain.
  • How Long Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Take?
    The operation takes 2-3 hours on average, this time may be shortened or lengthened depending on the technique to be applied and the condition of your nose.
  • Local Anesthesia or General Anesthesia in Rhinoplasty?
    It varies according to the procedure to be performed. Local anesthesia is preferred for small filling and fat injections into the nose. General anesthesia is preferred in rhinoplasty surgeries performed with open and closed techniques. Because rhinoplasty operations are operations that require fine workmanship. The patient may be afraid, worried and panic during the operation. General anesthesia is preferred for the comfort of the patient and the doctor.
  • Why Did My Nose Tip Change With Age? Does it also fall off after surgery?
    First of all, this should be known. Man is a living and organic creature. We are constantly changing, whether we are aware of it or not. The tip of the nose also changes just like our body, and with age, there is a decrease in its projection. In the postoperative period, a small amount of fall and rotation loss is experienced at each nasal tip. The amount of fall depends on your cartilage structure. Your doctor calculates this fall share by looking at your cartilage structure during the surgery and lifts it a little more, taking into account your fall share. It is 5-6 degrees on average, varying from patient to patient. Patients are informed about this situation during the examination.
  • Will I Have Breathing Problems After Surgery?
    Since the septum cartilage-bone curvatures and swollen nasal conchas that narrow the airway will also be intervened in the same operation, your airway has been opened, and now you can breathe easily. In the first 2 weeks after the tampons are removed, mild nasal congestion may be experienced due to nasal mucosal edema. This situation is reduced with seawater nasal sprays. There may be slight obstructions due to crusting in the first 6 months. It is not permanent and this situation can be prevented with moisturizing nasal sprays. If you have nasal congestion related to allergies before the surgery, your turbinates may swell again. This causes it to clog again. In this case, drug therapy and concha radiofrequency application may be required.
  • Can the Concha (Concha) Operation Also Be Performed in Nose Aesthetic Surgery?
    Sometimes due to allergic reasons, sometimes due to temperature change, the structures we call the concha overgrow and block the air channels that already have bone cartilage curvature inside, making breathing completely difficult. During the examinations before the operation, it is evaluated and decided within the knowledge of the patient. It should be known that the solution to the turbinate problem alone is not rhinoplasty surgery.
  • How will the surgery process of patients coming from outside of Istanbul be?
    Patients coming from outside of Istanbul should stay for 7-10 days. The last surgical examination is done 1-2 days ago. After the surgery, 6 more days should be left for the removal of dressings, plaster and tampons. After 7-10 days in total, you can have a nose compatible with your face.
  • How Many Times Do I Have To Come For Control After The Surgery?
    The first control is 6-7 days (must be done in the clinic) 12th day (should be done in the clinic if possible) 1 month 3 months 6 months 12-18 months In controls other than the first controls, it is possible to provide controls via video, photo or video call.
  • Is It Possible To Do The Same If I Bring A Photo Of The Face And Nose I Like Before The Surgery?
    The fact that the nose, lips, eye structure, eyebrows, hairline, chin structure and even skin quality are compatible with each other creates the perception we call beauty in terms of visual and aesthetics. Sometimes none of the organs on the face are in the standards of the generally accepted perception from an aesthetic point of view, but their harmony with each other is tremendous. Sometimes, when someone is intervened, that harmony is achieved, which is the birthplace of aesthetic operations, I think. When a photograph is brought in, it's someone else's face, the harmony of someone else's facial features, skin thickness, skin quality. They are even aesthetic procedures done by someone else. Even if the nose closest to the nose is made, its harmony with your face will not be the same. This too can be disappointing. This approach is not correct. Actually, one of the reasons for this is the before and after sharings that we plastic surgeons do, and the most satisfactory results are shared. However, it should be known that each patient's cartilage structure is different, skin thickness is different, cartilage and bone thicknesses are different, and each patient's result is unique, and each patient's post-operative life is different. (It changes depending on whether he or she complies with what needs to be done after the surgery, the climate he lives in, his quality of life, whether he has been hit or not, whether he smokes or not.) And in fact, we plastic surgeons aim when making photos and sharing: to have an idea about your doctor from any city in Turkey or from any part of the world, your doctor's surgical approach, experience, to see which surgeries he frequently performs, most importantly, the world's social media and digital is to use it to provide information for patients while we are with the world. After examining you, your doctor will decide on your surgery and will give you the details. Social media and the digital world are only for providing information and having ideas.
  • Should Massage Be Done After Nose Aesthetics?
    Nose massage after surgery should never be done haphazardly and depending on the feeling that another doctor has had his patient do it. While massage is more appropriate in some techniques, performing massage in some surgical techniques is risky for your surgical outcome. If massage has been recommended by the doctor performing your surgery, it should be done gently, without pressing too much, as directed by your doctor. Other places should not be interfered with. It should be done in the amount and time recommended by the doctor. On average, 3 minutes and 3 times a day massage is recommended. Doing and pressing more often may cause your nose to collapse or become out of shape. After every rhinoplasty surgery, it is not a procedure applied to every patient. You should take your doctor's advice seriously and consult your own doctor.
  • Is It Possible for the Nostrils to Be Equal?
    The nostrils of people who do not need rhinoplasty are not 100% equal. There are millimetric differences that cannot be seen with the naked eye. In some people, trauma-induced, congenital nostrils are disproportionate in some people, in some people they are uncomfortably large. After the operation, it will not be possible to completely equalize the nostrils, but this difference will be too millimetric to be seen with the naked eye.
  • Will I Have Breathing Problems Due to Tampons After Rhinoplasty Surgery?
    Today, old-style tampons are not used by many plastic surgeons. Old-style tampons were both very painful to remove and because they were wrapped in bandages, they prevented breathing through the nose for days. The tampons used today are very thin and large enough. It does not prevent breathing, the patient spends a comfortable time until the tampons are removed. Pain is minimal when removing new types of tampons.
  • Does Smoking Post-Surgery Cause Negativity?
    Since smoking will slow down tissue healing, it will cause your nose to heal later and your edema to go down later. If possible, it should not be drunk for the first month.
  • Differences Between Female and Male Rhinoplasty?
    There is no difference in terms of surgical techniques applied in men and women, but there are important and decisive differences in terms of aesthetics. These differences reveal the distinction between men and women. The angle of the nose with the lips, the height of the nose tip, the forehead nasal passage, the shape of the nose tip, the nasal ridge passage and the dorsal nose tip fracture angles are important and decisive.
  • Can Nose Aesthetics Be Performed in Advanced Ages?
    It can be done if there is no medical contraindication (an obstacle). However, since the cartilage tissue weakens in advanced ages, it may be difficult to achieve the desired result.
  • For Nose Surgery What Should Be Considered When Choosing?
    Nose aesthetics is extremely important like other plastic surgeries and the choice of doctor is very important. The doctor performing your surgery should be an expert in his field. You should choose reliable centers and doctors.
  • Getting Endoscopy Support in Nose Aesthetics
    It enters the nose with two-dimensional and high-definition cameras, giving the opportunity to closely control every detail of the nose during the surgery.

F U L L  F A C E  L I F T  A N D  N E C K  L I F T



3-4 Hours

Operation Period



14 Days


2-3 Nights

Hospital Stay

10 days

Dressing Period

3-4 Weeks


Let's first describe an aged face. Forehead lines have become prominent, eyebrows have fallen, eyelids have drooped, skin has lost its tension and elasticity, various spots and irregularities have formed on the skin, under-eye bags and crow's feet lines have deepened, deep lines have formed in the mouth and nose area, cheeks have sagged, jaw lines have disappeared, neck If it is oily and enlarged, moles have increased, the appearance of the skin has lost its brightness, pale and veiled, you now have an aged face.

In some patients, some or all of these symptoms occur in the late 50s and early 60s, while in some patients these symptoms occur visibly at the beginning of the 40s.

Defying time, being unpredictable is not only a nice compliment for women, but also for men, it is a happy feeling.

In full face lift and neck lift surgery, the entire face is handled and a surgical procedure is followed for all facial problems.

Excess skin on the forehead and temples is removed, subcutaneous tissues and fascia are reshaped. (The operation is planned so that the scar remains hidden inside the scalp.)

The excess skin on the lower and upper eyelids is removed and the bags are treated. (The scar on the upper eyelid is hidden in the crease, on the lower eyelid just at the end of the lower part of the eye)

Excess skin on the cheeks, temples and jaw line is removed, fascia and soft tissue are placed back in their position 10-15 years ago and fixed. (The trace is hidden behind the ear.)

Excess fat and skin on the neck are removed. It gives an elegant and youthful appearance to the neck. (The scars are hidden under the chin and behind the ears.)

  • Operation Process
    On the morning of the operation, you will settle into your pre-allocated room and rest. At this time, your final preparations for the operation are carried out. Your doctor and his assistant will visit you before the operation. With the administration of general anesthesia for your operation, your doctor begins to shape your nose for you. There are differences and common points in the progress of each technique. At the end of the operation, your nose is photographed and thin silicone pads are placed, taping is done, a protective splint is placed and you are slowly awakened. In addition, you wake up comfortably with local anesthesia applications before you wake up, you do not feel any pain.
  • How Long Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Take?
    The operation takes 2-3 hours on average, this time may be shortened or lengthened depending on the technique to be applied and the condition of your nose.
  • Local Anesthesia or General Anesthesia in Rhinoplasty?
    It varies according to the procedure to be performed. Local anesthesia is preferred for small filling and fat injections into the nose. General anesthesia is preferred in rhinoplasty surgeries performed with open and closed techniques. Because rhinoplasty operations are operations that require fine workmanship. The patient may be afraid, worried and panic during the operation. General anesthesia is preferred for the comfort of the patient and the doctor.
  • Why Did My Nose Tip Change With Age? Does it also fall off after surgery?
    First of all, this should be known. Man is a living and organic creature. We are constantly changing, whether we are aware of it or not. The tip of the nose also changes just like our body, and with age, there is a decrease in its projection. In the postoperative period, a small amount of fall and rotation loss is experienced at each nasal tip. The amount of fall depends on your cartilage structure. Your doctor calculates this fall share by looking at your cartilage structure during the surgery and lifts it a little more, taking into account your fall share. It is 5-6 degrees on average, varying from patient to patient. Patients are informed about this situation during the examination.
  • Will I Have Breathing Problems After Surgery?
    Since the septum cartilage-bone curvatures and swollen nasal conchas that narrow the airway will also be intervened in the same operation, your airway has been opened, and now you can breathe easily. In the first 2 weeks after the tampons are removed, mild nasal congestion may be experienced due to nasal mucosal edema. This situation is reduced with seawater nasal sprays. There may be slight obstructions due to crusting in the first 6 months. It is not permanent and this situation can be prevented with moisturizing nasal sprays. If you have nasal congestion related to allergies before the surgery, your turbinates may swell again. This causes it to clog again. In this case, drug therapy and concha radiofrequency application may be required.
  • Can the Concha (Concha) Operation Also Be Performed in Nose Aesthetic Surgery?
    Sometimes due to allergic reasons, sometimes due to temperature change, the structures we call the concha overgrow and block the air channels that already have bone cartilage curvature inside, making breathing completely difficult. During the examinations before the operation, it is evaluated and decided within the knowledge of the patient. It should be known that the solution to the turbinate problem alone is not rhinoplasty surgery.
  • How will the surgery process of patients coming from outside of Istanbul be?
    Patients coming from outside of Istanbul should stay for 7-10 days. The last surgical examination is done 1-2 days ago. After the surgery, 6 more days should be left for the removal of dressings, plaster and tampons. After 7-10 days in total, you can have a nose compatible with your face.
  • How Many Times Do I Have To Come For Control After The Surgery?
    The first control is 6-7 days (must be done in the clinic) 12th day (should be done in the clinic if possible) 1 month 3 months 6 months 12-18 months In controls other than the first controls, it is possible to provide controls via video, photo or video call.
  • Is It Possible To Do The Same If I Bring A Photo Of The Face And Nose I Like Before The Surgery?
    The fact that the nose, lips, eye structure, eyebrows, hairline, chin structure and even skin quality are compatible with each other creates the perception we call beauty in terms of visual and aesthetics. Sometimes none of the organs on the face are in the standards of the generally accepted perception from an aesthetic point of view, but their harmony with each other is tremendous. Sometimes, when someone is intervened, that harmony is achieved, which is the birthplace of aesthetic operations, I think. When a photograph is brought in, it's someone else's face, the harmony of someone else's facial features, skin thickness, skin quality. They are even aesthetic procedures done by someone else. Even if the nose closest to the nose is made, its harmony with your face will not be the same. This too can be disappointing. This approach is not correct. Actually, one of the reasons for this is the before and after sharings that we plastic surgeons do, and the most satisfactory results are shared. However, it should be known that each patient's cartilage structure is different, skin thickness is different, cartilage and bone thicknesses are different, and each patient's result is unique, and each patient's post-operative life is different. (It changes depending on whether he or she complies with what needs to be done after the surgery, the climate he lives in, his quality of life, whether he has been hit or not, whether he smokes or not.) And in fact, we plastic surgeons aim when making photos and sharing: to have an idea about your doctor from any city in Turkey or from any part of the world, your doctor's surgical approach, experience, to see which surgeries he frequently performs, most importantly, the world's social media and digital is to use it to provide information for patients while we are with the world. After examining you, your doctor will decide on your surgery and will give you the details. Social media and the digital world are only for providing information and having ideas.
  • Should Massage Be Done After Nose Aesthetics?
    Nose massage after surgery should never be done haphazardly and depending on the feeling that another doctor has had his patient do it. While massage is more appropriate in some techniques, performing massage in some surgical techniques is risky for your surgical outcome. If massage has been recommended by the doctor performing your surgery, it should be done gently, without pressing too much, as directed by your doctor. Other places should not be interfered with. It should be done in the amount and time recommended by the doctor. On average, 3 minutes and 3 times a day massage is recommended. Doing and pressing more often may cause your nose to collapse or become out of shape. After every rhinoplasty surgery, it is not a procedure applied to every patient. You should take your doctor's advice seriously and consult your own doctor.
  • Is It Possible for the Nostrils to Be Equal?
    The nostrils of people who do not need rhinoplasty are not 100% equal. There are millimetric differences that cannot be seen with the naked eye. In some people, trauma-induced, congenital nostrils are disproportionate in some people, in some people they are uncomfortably large. After the operation, it will not be possible to completely equalize the nostrils, but this difference will be too millimetric to be seen with the naked eye.
  • Will I Have Breathing Problems Due to Tampons After Rhinoplasty Surgery?
    Today, old-style tampons are not used by many plastic surgeons. Old-style tampons were both very painful to remove and because they were wrapped in bandages, they prevented breathing through the nose for days. The tampons used today are very thin and large enough. It does not prevent breathing, the patient spends a comfortable time until the tampons are removed. Pain is minimal when removing new types of tampons.
  • Does Smoking Post-Surgery Cause Negativity?
    Since smoking will slow down tissue healing, it will cause your nose to heal later and your edema to go down later. If possible, it should not be drunk for the first month.
  • Differences Between Female and Male Rhinoplasty?
    There is no difference in terms of surgical techniques applied in men and women, but there are important and decisive differences in terms of aesthetics. These differences reveal the distinction between men and women. The angle of the nose with the lips, the height of the nose tip, the forehead nasal passage, the shape of the nose tip, the nasal ridge passage and the dorsal nose tip fracture angles are important and decisive.
  • Can Nose Aesthetics Be Performed in Advanced Ages?
    It can be done if there is no medical contraindication (an obstacle). However, since the cartilage tissue weakens in advanced ages, it may be difficult to achieve the desired result.
  • For Nose Surgery What Should Be Considered When Choosing?
    Nose aesthetics is extremely important like other plastic surgeries and the choice of doctor is very important. The doctor performing your surgery should be an expert in his field. You should choose reliable centers and doctors.
  • Getting Endoscopy Support in Nose Aesthetics
    It enters the nose with two-dimensional and high-definition cameras, giving the opportunity to closely control every detail of the nose during the surgery.

Art | Science | Medicine

Vali Konağı Cad. No:105 / 2 

Nişantaşı, İstanbul / Türkiye

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Turkish Ministry of Health has granted Dr. Beşir Öner's Clinic as an International Health Tourism Center.

Results can vary between patients. All patients gave written permissions to share.

Dr.Beşir Öner | Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon

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